ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (2025)



OLD VIC ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (1) 1914-28 ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (2)1928-34ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (3)1934-49ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (4)1949-56ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (5)1956-63

1956-57 OLD VIC SEASON director: Michael Benthall
Keith Michell, Barbara Jefford, Margaret Whiting, Derek Godfrey, Ralph Richardson, Robert Helpmann, Derek Francis, Fay Compton, Dudley Jones

Keith Michell, Margaret Whiting, Derek Godfrey, Paul Curran, Richard Gale, Harold Innocent, David King, Gabriel Woolf, James Booth, dir:Robert Helpmann [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £4
ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (6)
1956-57: TIMON OF ATHENS (Old Vic)
Ralph Richardson, Barbara Jefford, Dudley Jones, Derek Godfrey, Harold Innocent, James Booth, dir:Michael Benthall [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £5

Robert Helpmann, Barbara Jefford, David Dodimead, Richard Gale, John Fraser, Paul Curran, Harold Innocent, James Booth, Gabriel Woolf, dir:Michael Benthall [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £4

Keith Michell, Barbara Jefford, Derek Francis, Jacqueline Ellis, John Humphrey, Derek Godfrey, John Fraser, Margaret Whiting, Dudley Jones, Paul Curran, Gabriel Woolf, dir:Denis Carey [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £4

1956-57: CYMBELINE (Old Vic)
Derek Godfrey, Barbara Jefford, Derek Francis, Gabriel Woolf, Joan Sanderson, Leon Gluckman, Paul Curran, Margaret Whiting, Harold Innocent, David Dodimead, Dudley Jones, Richard Gale, John Rye, dir:Michael Benthall [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £4

Richard Gale, Keith Michell, Dudley Jones, Barbara Jefford, David Dodimead, Robert Helpmann, Derek Godfrey, dir:Michael Langham [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £4

1956-57: KING RICHARD III (Old Vic)
John Humphry, Paul Domanski, Colin Spaull, David Dodimead, Robert Helpmann, Richard Gale, Bernard Warwick, Derek Francis, Derek Godfrey, Paul Curran, David King, Dudley Jones, Margaret Whiting, Fay Compton, Barbara Leake, Barbara Jefford, Harold Innocent, dir:Douglas Seale [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £4

Robert Helpmann, Richard Gale, Derek Francis, John Humphry, Derek Godfrey, Derek New, John Fraser, John Rye, James Culliford, James Booth, David King, Richard Carpenter, Keith Michell, Paul Domanski, Dudley Jones, Paul Curran, Bernard Warwick, Brian Panter, Gabriel Woolf, Harold Innocent, Bernard Behrens, John Flint, Barbara Jefford, Ingrid Hafner, Barbara Leake, John Morris, Margaret Whiting, Anne McMurdo, Jacqueline Ellis, Rosemary Crowson, dir:Walter Hudd [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow] £4

Marius Goring, Margaret Rawlings [4pp on orange card; 5x7.5; ticket No.402] £3

1957-58 OLD VIC SEASON director: Michael Benthall
John Neville, Coral Browne, Judi Dench, Tom Courtenay, Barbara Jefford, Derek Godfrey, Joyce Redman, Frankie Howerd, Harry Andrews, John Gielgud, Edith Evans, Paul Daneman, Paul Rogers, Robert Helpman, Keith Michell, Moira Shearer
ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (7)
1957-58: HAMLET (Old Vic)
John Neville, Jack Gwillim, Coral Browne (as Gertrude), Judi Dench, Derek Francis, John Humphry, Michael Culver, Margaret Courtenay, dir:Michael Benthall [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £4

1957-58: HAMLET (Old Vic)
John Neville, Jack Gwillim, Margaret Courtenay (as Gertrude), Judi Dench, Derek Francis, John Humphry, Michael Culver, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, dir:Michael Benthall [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £4
ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (8)
Jack Gwillim, Margaret Courtenay, Harold Innocent, David Waller, Rosemary Webster, John Humphry, Richard Gale, Coral Browne (as Helena), Paul Daneman, Frankie Howerd (as Bottom), Ronald Fraser, Daniel Thorndike, Derek Francis, James Culliford, Adrienne Hill, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Barrie Ingham, Michael Culver, Keith Taylor, Judi Dench (as First Fairy), Derek Godfrey (as Oberon), Joyce Redman (as Titania), Juliet Cooke, Bridget Wood, Gillian Bosworth, Stella Orton, Valerie Gibson, Jean Atkinson, Nancy Kwan, dir:Michael Benthall [8pp, 5x7.25; cast photos; rumpled] £3
ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (9)
1957-58: HENRY VIII (Old Vic)
John Gielgud, Harry Andrews, Edith Evans, Jack Gwillim, Richard Wordsworth, Barrie Ingham, Dennis Chinnery, David Dodimead, Roy Patrick, Harry Andrews, Ronald Fraser, Paul Daneman, Oliver Neville, Charles West, John Humphry, Jill Dixon, James Culliford, Edward Hardwicke, Daniel Thorndike, Derek Godfrey, David Waller, Rosalind Atkinson, Harold Innocent, Juliet Cooke, Derek Francis, Margaret Courtenay, Keith Taylor, Brian Badcoe, Crispian Woodgate, Michael Culver, Gordon Fairclough, Simon Fraser, Neville Jason, Thomas Johnston, David Mann, Stanley Meadows, James Mellor, John Rye, Judi Dench, Wendy Errol, Adrienne Hill, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, dir: Michael Benthall 8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £5

1957-58: MEASURE FOR MEASURE (Old Vic)
Anthony Nicholls, Daniel Thorndike, John Neville, Derek Godfrey, Edward Hardwicke, Margaret Courtenay, Paul Daneman, Richard Gale, Judi Dench (as Juliet), Barbara Jefford (as Isabella), Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Ronald Fraser, Barrie Ingham, Harold Innocent, David Waller, dir:Margaret Webster [8pp, 5x7.25; w.two newsclippings yellow; cast photos] £4

1957-58: HENRY VI Parts I & II (Old Vic)
Paul Daneman, Derek Godfrey, Barbara Jefford, Judi Dench, dir:Douglas Seale [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £4

1957-58: HENRY VI Part III (Old Vic)
Paul Daneman, Derek Godfrey, Barbara Jefford, dir:Douglas Seale [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £3

1957-58: KING LEAR (Old Vic)
Paul Rogers, Michael Culver, Dennis Chinnery, David Dodimead, Oliver Neville, Jack Gwillim, Derek Francis, Derek Godfrey, John Humphry, Roy Patrick, Edward Hardwicke, Paul Daneman, Brian Badcoe, Charles West, Barrie Ingham, James Culliford, James Mellor, Stanley Meadows, Coral Browne (as Goneril), Barbara Jefford (as Regan), Rosemary Webster, Juliet Cooke, Judi Dench, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Simon Fraser, Neville Jason, Thomas Johnston, John Rye, Keith Taylor, Crispian Woodgate, dir:Douglas Seale [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £4

1957-58: KING LEAR (Old Vic)
Paul Rogers, Michael Culver, Dennis Chinnery, David Dodimead, Oliver Neville, Jack Gwillim, Derek Francis, Derek Godfrey, John Humphry, Roy Patrick, Edward Hardwicke, Paul Daneman, Brian Badcoe, Charles West, Barrie Ingham, James Culliford, James Mellor, Stanley Meadows, Margaret Courtenay (as Goneril), Barbara Jefford (as Regan), Rosemary Webster, Juliet Cooke, Judi Dench, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Simon Fraser, Neville Jason, Thomas Johnston, John Rye, Keith Taylor, Crispian Woodgate, dir:Douglas Seale [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos; VG] £4

1957-58: TWELFTH NIGHT (Old Vic)
John Humphry, Thomas Johnston, John Rye, Barbara Jefford (as Viola), Dennis Chinnery, Paul Daneman (as Sir Toby Belch), Judi Dench (as Maria), John Neville (as Sir Andrew Aguecheek), Derek Godfrey (as Feste), Jill Dixon, Richard Wordsworth (as Malvolio), Neville Jason, Oliver Neville, James Culliford, Simon Fraser, Harold Innocent, James Mellor, Ronald Fraser, Juliet Cooke, Adrienne Hill, Michael Culver, Keith Taylor, Charles West, Crispian Woodgate; dir:Michael Benthall [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos; VG] £4

1958 (18 March): A PRIVATE PERFORMANCE in the gracious presence of H.M. The Queen and H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh for Opening of the Old Vic Annexe - Scenes from HENRY IV PT.2, HAMLET, TWO GENTS, SHREW, DREAM (Old Vic)
Paul Rogers, Paul Daneman, Barrie Ingham, John Neville, Coral Browne, Judi Dench, David Waller, Margaret Courtenay, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Michael Culver, Edward Hardwicke, Harold innocent, Robert Helpman, Barbara Jefford, Keith Michell, John Rye, Frankie Howerd, Moira Shearer, devised by Michael Benthall [7.25x9.75, 12pp on heavy paper; article, credits, Folio Plan 1953-58, list of artists, Overseas Tours etc.; VG condition] £9

1958-59 OLD VIC SEASON director: Michael Benthall
Michael Hordern, John Phillips, Ronald Lewis, Beatrix Lehmann, Joss Ackland, Miles Malleson, Barbara Jefford, John Justin, Alec McCowen, Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Hugh Griffith, Flora Robson, Isabel Jeans, Irene Worth, Ernest Thesiger, Barry Ingham, Derek Francis, Catherine Lacey
ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (10)
1958-59: AS YOU LIKE IT (Old Vic)
John Justin (as Orlando), John Gay, Jeremy Kemp, Joe Robinson, Maggie Smith (as Celia), Barbara Jefford (as Rosalind), Alec McCowen (as Touchstone), John Moffatt (as Le Beau), Norman Scace, David King (as Duke Senior), Charles West, Michael Danvers-Walker, Douglas Harris, George Little, Dyson Lovell, Stephen Moore (as William), Gerald James (as Corin), John Stride (as Silvius), Donald Houston (as Jaques), Moyra Fraser, Judi Dench (as Phebe), George Gardner, Peter Hodgson, Jenny Goosens, Pinkie Johnstone, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Peter Ellis, Paul Harris, Roderick Horn, Douglas Robinson; dir:Wendy Toye [8pp, 5x7.25; yellow; cast list, credits, 3 cast photos etc.; very light vertical bend, else VG] £5

1958-59: JULIUS CAESAR (Old Vic)
Jack May (as Julius Caesar/Octavius Caesar), Ronald Lewis, John Phillips (as Brutus), Michael Hordern (as Cassius), Pauline Letts, Gerald James, dir:Douglas Seale [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £4

1958-59: MACBETH (Old Vic)
Michael Hordern, Jack May, Beatrix Lehmann, John Phillips, dir:Douglas Seale [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £4

1958-59: THE TEMPEST, or THE ENCHANTED ISLAND - Purcell, Dryden & Davenant (Old Vic)
Natasha Parry, John Phillips, Jeanette Sterke, Joss Ackland, Miles Malleson, Gerald James, Jeremy Kemp, Mary Thomas, Edgar Fleet, dir:Douglas Seale [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; minor marks, else VG] £3

1958-59: THE CENCI - Percy Bysshe Shelley (Old Vic)
Hugh Griffith, Barbara Jefford, John Phillips, Veronica Turleigh [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £4

1958-59: SGNARELLE and TARTUFFE - Moliere (Old Vic)
Derek Francis, Rosalind Atkinson, Miles Malleson, Pauline Jameson, Barry Ingham, Gerald James, dir:Miles Malleson/Douglas Seale [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £4

1958-59: GHOSTS - Henrik Ibsen (Old Vic)
Flora Robson, Michael Hordern, Ronald Lewis, dir:John Fernald [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £4

1958-59: THE DOUBLE-DEALER - William Congreve (Old Vic)
Charles West, John Justin, John Woodvine, Alec McCowen, Miles Malleson, Joss Ackland, Ursula Jeans, Donald Houston, Judi Dench, Moyra Fraser, Maggie Smith, Gordon Gardner, Norman Scace, Paul Harris, Stephen Moore, dir:Michael Benthall [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £6

1958-59: MARY STUART - Schiller, translated by Stephen Spender, adapted by Peter Wood (Old Vic)
Irene Worth, Catherine Lacey, Rosalind Atkinson, John Phillips, Kenneth Mackintosh, Derek Francis, Ernest Thesiger, Gerald James, Ronald Lewis, Jack May, Dennis Chinnery, Norman Scace, Edward Hardwicke, Barrie Ingham, John Church, Jeremy Kemp, Charles West, Gordon Gardner, Brian Jackson, Martin Redpath, dir:Peter Wood [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £4

1958-59: THE MAGISTRATE - Arthur Wing Pinero (Old Vic)
Silvia Francis, Barrie Ingham, Michael Danvers-Walker, Juliet Cooke, Pauline Jameson, Michael Hordern (as Mr.Posket), Derek Francis, Pauline Letts, Dennis Chinnery, Norman Scace, John Phillips, Jack May, Charles West, Peter Moynihan, Jeremy Kemp, Gerald James, dir:Douglas Seale [8pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £4

1958 (Sep-Nov): REPERTOIRE LEAFLET Sep-Nov 1958 (Old Vic)
Michael Hordern, Ronald Lewis, John Phillips, Derek Francis, Jack May, Rosalind Atkinson, Kenneth Mackintosh, Daniel Thorndike, Dennis Chinnery, Norman Scace, Gerald James, Edward Hardwicke, Charles West, Anne Iddon, Silvia Francis, Juliet Cooke, Barrie Ingham, Brian Jackson, Michael Danvers-Walker, Jeremy Kemp, John Church, John Scarborough, John Barcroft, Philip Elsmore, Martin Redpath, Davina Beswick, Desmond Davies, Jean Conroy, Irene Worth, Ernest Thesiger, Catherine Lacey in MARY STUART, JULIUS CAESAR [12pp, 3.5x4.5 booklet; performance schedule, prices, notes] £3

1958-59: Card flyer for THE TEMPEST, or THE ENCHANTED ISLAND - Henry Purcell, Dryden & Davenant (Old Vic)
John Phillips (as Prospero), Joss Ackland (as Caliban), Natasha Parry (as Miranda), Christine Finn, Oliver Neville, Jeanette Sterke, Rosalind Atkinson, Gerald James, Dennis Chinnery, Norman Scace, Juliet Cooke, Gordon Gardner, Jeremy Kemp, John Barcroft, Miles Malleson (as Trincalo), Mary Thomas (as Ariel), Charles West, James Atkins, Edgar Fleet, dir:Douglas Seale [single green card sheet, 7.5x4.75; full cast and credits, booking details] £2

1959: GHOSTS - Henrik Ibsen (Old Vic at the Princes Theatre)
Flora Robson, Donald Wolfit, Ronald Lewis, dir:John Fernald [12pp, 4.8x7.25 yellow; 3 cast photos; light horizontal bend, else VG] £4

1959-60 OLD VIC SEASON director: Michael Benthall
Barbara Jefford, John Justin, Alec McCowen, Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Joss Ackland, Donald Houston, Miles Malleson, Isabel Jeans, Fay Compton, Robert Harris, Moyra Fraser, George Baker

1959-60: AS YOU LIKE IT (Old Vic/3 Sep 1959)
John Justin (as Orlando), John Gay, Jeremy Kemp, Joe Robinson, Barbara Leigh-Hunt (as Celia, for Maggie Smith), Barbara Jefford (as Rosalind), Alec McCowen (as Touchstone), John Moffatt (as Le Beau), Norman Scace, David King (as Duke Senior), Charles West, Michael Danvers-Walker, Paul Harris, George Little, Dyson Lovell, Stephen Moore (as William), Gerald James (as Corin), John Stride (as Silvius), Donald Houston (as Jaques), Moyra Fraser, Judi Dench (as Phebe), George Gardner, Peter Hodgson, Jenny Goosens, Pinkie Johnstone, Peter Ellis, Paul Harris, Roderick Horn, Douglas Robinson; dir:Wendy Toye [12pp, 5x7.25, yellow; cast list, credits, notes on the play, 5 photos of Old Vic productions; with substitution slip; light horizontal bend, else VG] £4

1959-60: THE DOUBLE-DEALER - William Congreve (Old Vic/7 Sep 1959)
Charles West, John Justin, John Woodvine, Alec McCowen, Miles Malleson, Joss Ackland, Ursula Jeans, Donald Houston, Judi Dench, Moyra Fraser, Maggie Smith, Gordon Gardner, Norman Scace, Paul Harris, Stephen Moore [8pp, 5x7.25, yellow; cast photos] £5
ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (11)
1959-60: THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST - Oscar Wilde (Old Vic/13 Oct 1959)
Alec McCowen (as Algernon Moncrieff), Norman Scace, John Justin (as John Worthing), Fay Compton (as Lady Bracknell), Barbara Jefford (as Gwendoline Fairfax), Rosalind Atkinson, Judi Dench (as Cecily Cardew), Miles Malleson, William McAllister, Dyson Lovell, dir:Michael Benthall [8pp, 5x7.25, yellow; cast list, credits, cast photos, production photo, further photos of Old Vic productions; with ten newsclipping reviews, including 3 production photos; VG] £8

1959-60: KING RICHARD II (Old Vic/17 Nov 1959)
John Justin (as King Richard), Robert Harris (as John of Gaunt), Walter Hudd, George Baker (as Bolingbroke), John Stride, John Woodvine, Jeremy Kemp, Joss Ackland, Jeffry Wickham, John Moffatt (as Bishop of Carlisle), Gerald James, Stephen Moore, Roderick Horn, Maggie Smith (as Queen), Rosalind Atkinson, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, dir:Val May [12pp, 5x7.25, yellow; cast list, credits, 4 cast photos, 2 production photos, 3 photos of other Old Vic productions, etc; VG] £4

1959-60: THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR (Old Vic/22 Dec 1959)
William McAllister, Gerald James, Stephen Moore, George Baker, Joss Ackland (as Sir John Falstaff), George Little, Jeremy Kemp, John Woodvine, Judi Dench (as Anne Page), Maggie Smith (as Mistress Ford), Moyra Fraser, Peter Hodgson, Charles West, Gordon Gardner, Rosalind Atkinson, Peter Ellis, John Moffatt (as Dr Caius), Dyson Lovell, Alec McCowen (as Ford), Paul Harris, Jeffry Wickham, Davina Beswick, Jennie Goossens, Pinkie Johnstone, Michael Danvers-Walker, John Gay, Roderick Horn; dir:John Hale [12pp, 5x7.25, yellow; cast list, credits, notes on the play, 3 cast photos, production photo, 4 further photos of Old Vic productions etc.; ] £5

1959-60: SAINT JOAN - Bernard Shaw (Old Vic/9 Feb 1960)
David King, Gerald James, Barbara Jefford (as Joan), Stephen Moore (as Bertrand de Poulengey), Norman Scace, Joss Ackland (as Archbishop of Rheims), Roderick Horn, Danvers Walker, Jeremy Kemp, Alec McCowen (as The Dauphin), Barbara Leigh-Hunt (as Duchess de la Tremouille), Donald Houston (as Dunois), Gordon Gardner, George Baker (as Warwick), John Moffatt (as de Stogumber), Peter Hodgson, Robert Harris (as Bishop of Beauvais), Walter Hudd (as The Inquisitor), Charles West, John Stride (as Brother Martin), William McAllister, Davina Beswick, Jennie Goossens, Peter Ellis, John Gay, Paul Harris, George Little, Dyson Lovell, Jeffry Wickham; dir:Douglas Seale [12pp, 5x7.25, yellow; cast list, credits, photo of Barbara Jefford, 5 photos of other Old Vic productions etc.; VG] £4

1959-60: WHAT EVERY WOMAN KNOWS - J M Barrie (Old Vic/12 Apr 1960)
Gerald James, George Baker, Joss Ackland, Maggie Smith (as Maggie Wylie), Donald Houston (as John Shand), John Gay, Fay Compton (as Comtesse de la Briere), Wendy Williams, Davina Beswick, John Moffatt (as Mr Venables), Paul Harris, Jennie Goossens, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Pinkie Johnstone, Peter Ellis, Roger Grainger, Peter Hodgson, William McAllister, David Meredith, Stephen Moore, Martin Redpath, Danvers Walker, Jeffry Wickham; dir:Philip Potter [12pp, 5x7.25, yellow; cast list, note on J M Barrie, credits, 3 cast photos, 5 further photros of Old Vic productions etc.; VG] £4

1959-60: KING HENRY V (Old Vic/31 May 1960)
John Stride (as Chorus), David King, Charles West, Donald Houston (as Henry V), Oliver Neville, Jeffry Wickham, Danvers Walker, George Little, Stephen Moore (as Nym/Bates), Joss Ackland (as Pistol), Rosalind Atkinson (as Mistress Quickly), Gordon Gardner, Roderick Horn, John Gay, Brian Spink, Peter Ellis, Walter Hudd, John Moffatt (as The Dauphin/Burgundy), Norman Scace, Gerald James, David Meredith, Peter Hodgson, Judi Dench (as Katherine), Wendy Williams, Paul Harris, Martin Redpath, Jeremy Kemp, Roger Grainger, William McAllister, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Davina Beswick, Jennie Goossens, Pinkie Johnstone; dir:John Neville [12pp, 5x7.25, yellow; cast list, notes on the play, 4 cast photos, 2 production photos, 3 further photos of Old Vic productions, credits etc.; VG] £5

1960-61 OLD VIC SEASON director: Michael Benthall
Judi Dench, John Stride, Alec McCowen, Barbara Jefford, Robert Harris, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Peggy Mount, Tommy Steele, Valerie Taylor, Judith Anderson, Tony Britton, Douglas Campbell, George Baker, William Russell, Ann Bell

1960-61: THE SEAGULL - Anton Chekhov (Old Vic/1 September 1960)
Derek Smith, Georgine Anderson, Tom Courtenay (as Konstantin), Cyril Luckham, Charles West, Ann Bell, Sylvia Coleridge, Ralph Michael, Gerald James, Judith Anderson, Tony Britton (as Trigorin), David Lloyd Meredith, Rosemarie Dunham, dir:John Fernald [12pp, 5x7.25 yellow; photos] £5

1960-61: ROMEO AND JULIET (Old Vic/4 October 1960)
Derek Smith, Tom Courtenay, Laurence Asprey, Michael Graham Cox, Paul Harris, Peter Ellis, Tom Kempinski, Brian Hawksley, Charles West, Rosemarie Dunham, Sylvia Coleridge (as Lady Capulet), Nicholas Meredith, John Stride (as Romeo), Brian Spink, David Lloyd Meredith, Peggy Mount (as Nurse), Judi Dench (as Juliet), Alec McCowen (as Mercutio), Gerald James (as Friar Laurence), Vernon Dobtcheff, Stephen Moore, Ann Bell, Laura Graham, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Sarah Long, Robin Ferriday, John Harwood, Geoffrey Hinsliff, William Hobbs, Elric Hooper, David Tudor-Jones, John McGee, Danny Martin, Stephen Moore, Malcolm Reid, Edward Vaughan-Scott, Anthony Singleton, Adrian Walker; dir:Franco Zeffirelli [12pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast list, 4 cast photos, credits etc.; VG] £4

1960-61: A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM (Old Vic/20 December 1960)
John Humphry, Jennie Goossens, Derek Smith, Judi Dench (as Hermia), Michael Meacham, John Stride, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Robert Harris (as Peter Quince), Douglas Campbell, Stephen Moore (as Francis Flute), Brian Hawksley, Charles West, Gerald James, Tom Courtenay (as Puck), Sarah Long, Alec McCowen (as Oberon), Gwen Watford (as Titania), Wendy Polwart, Harry Godfrey, Jeromy Gold, Heather Emmanuel, Jacqueline Mitchell, Judith Jackson, Ann Bell, Michael Graham Cox, Rosemarie Dunham, Laura Graham, Laurence Asprey, Vernon Dobtcheff, Peter Ellis, Kerry Gardner, John Harwood, Geoffrey Hinsliff, William Hobbs, Elric Hooper, David Tudor-Jones, Thomas Kempinski, John McGee, Malcolm Reid, Edward Vaughan-Scott, Anthony Singleton, dir:Michael Langham [12pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast list, 6 cast photos, 4 production photos, credits etc.; VG] £4

1960-61: ROMEO AND JULIET (Old Vic)
George Howe, Peter Balwin, Oswald Laurence, John Harwood, Job Stewart, Michael Meacham, Andre van Gyseghem, Nicholas Meredith, Diana Scougall, Irene Sutcliffe, Hugh Manning, John Stride (as Romeo), John Quentin (as Paris), Michael Graham Cox, Peggy Mount (as Nurse), Joanna Dunham/Judi Dench (as Juliet), Alec McCowen (as Mercutio), Elric Hooper, Gerald James (as Friar Laurence), Michael Pemberton, Leslie Bonnyman, Linda Brandham, John Broster, Julian Curry, Robin Ferriday, Peter Forest, Garth Harrison, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Fiona Leland, Sarah Long, David Lowe, Dan Macdonald, Michael Martin, ,Michael Pemberton Malcolm Reid, Peter Rocca, John Wackett, Victoria Watts, Tim Wylton; dir:Franco Zeffirelli [12pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast list, 9 cast photos, 2 production photos, 2 further photos of Old Vic productions, credits etc.; minor marks, else VG] £4

1960-61: ROMEO AND JULIET (Old Vic)
Derek Smith, William Hobbs, Laurence Asprey, Michael Graham Cox, John Harwood, Peter Ellis, Paul Harris (as Tybalt), Brian Hawksley, Charles West, Rosemarie Dunham, Sylvia Coleridge (as Lady Capulet), Nicholas Meredith, John Stride (as Romeo), Brian Spink, David Lloyd Meredith, Rosalind Atkinson (as Nurse), Judi Dench (as Juliet), Alec McCowen (as Mercutio), Elric Hooper, Gerald James (as Friar Laurence), Kerry Gardner, Michael Pemberton, Ann Bell, Leslie Bonnyman, John Broster, Julian Curry, Robin Ferriday, Laura Graham, Garth Harrison, Geoffrey Hinsliff, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Sarah Long, John McGee, Malcolm Reid, Peter Rocca, Anthony Singleton, Edward Vaughan-Scott, Tim Wylton; dir:Franco Zeffirelli [12pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast list, 9 cast photos, 2 production photos, 2 further photos of Old Vic productions, credits etc.; VG] £5

1960-61: MARY STUART - Schiller, translated by Stephen Spender (Old Vic/11 October 1960)
Nicholas Meredith, Grace Arnold, Gwen Watford (as Mary Stuart), Michael Meacham, Robert Harris (as Lord Burleigh), Valerie Taylor (as Queen Elizabeth), Brian Hawksley, John Humphry, Paul Harris, Vernon Dobtcheff, William Hobbs, Michael Graham Cox, Brian Spink, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Derek Smith, Peter Ellis, John Harwood, Geoffrey Hinsliff, Elric Hooper, David Tudor-Jones, Thomas Kempinski, Malcolm Reid, Edward Vaughan-Scott, Rosemarie Dunham, Laura Graham; dir:Philip Dale [12pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast list, notes on the play by Stephen Spender, 6 cast photos, production photo, 2 further photos (of Romeo and Juliet), credits etc.; VG] £4
ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (12)
1960-61: SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER - Oliver Goldsmith (Old Vic/8 November 1960)
Peggy Mount (as Mrs Hardcastle), Nicholas Meredith (as as Mr Hardcastle), Laura Graham, Tommy Steele (as Tony Lumpkin), Judi Dench (as Kate Hardcastle), Ann Bell, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Michael Graham Cox, John Humphry (as Marlow), Michael Meacham, Edward Vaughan-Scott, Paul Harris, Brian Spink, Anthony Singleton, Sarah Long, Brian Hawksley (as Sir Charles Marlow), Vernon Dobtcheff, John Harwood, Geoffrey Hinsliff, William Hobbs, David Tudor-Jones, David Lloyd MeredithMalcolm Reid; dir:Douglas Seale [12pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast list, note on the play, 4 cast photos, 5 further photos of Old Vic priductions, credits etc.; VG] £4

1961 OLD VIC TOUR to Warsaw, Leningrad and Moscow
ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (13)
1961 (Jan-Feb): SAINT JOAN - G B Shaw (Old Vic in Warsaw)
David King, John Gay, Barbara Jefford (as Joan), Mark Kingston, Frank Middlemass, Joss Ackland, Roderick Horn, Danvers Walker, Peter Brett, Job Stewart (as Dauphin), Diana Scougall, William Russell (as Dunois), Gordon Gardner, George Baker (as Warwick), John Moffatt (as De Stogumber), Peter Hodgson, Paul Rogers (as Cauchon), Walter Hudd (as The Inquisitor), Thomas Johnston, John Bay, William McAllister, Jill Booty, Pauline Taylor, Barry Boys, Mark Brackenbury, Howard Daley, Peter Eyre, Roger Grainger, Leslie Moxon, Martin Redpath, Antony Webb, dir:Douglas Seale [24pp, 5.75x8; 10 company photos; cast list, programme notes, synopsis and biographies (in Polish); very uncommon; slightly rumpled, else VG] £5
ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (14)
1961 (Jan-Feb): 32-PAGE SOUVENIR BROCHURE (Old Vic in Warsaw, Leningrad and Moscow)
Souvenir Brochure for the Old Vic Tour to Poland and the USSR, with productions of MACBETH, SAINT JOAN and THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST; featuring Joss Ackland, Rosalind Atkinson, George Baker, John Bay, Jill Booty, Barry Boys, Mark Brackenbury, Peter Brett, Howard Daley, Peter Eyre, Gordon Gardner, John Gay, Roger Grainger, Peter Hodgson, Roderick Horn, Walter Hudd, Barbara Jefford, Thomas Johnston, David King, Mark Kingston, William McAllister, Frank Middlemass, John Moffatt, Leslie Moxon, Martin Redpath, Paul Rogers, William Russell, Diana Scougall, Job Stewart, Irene Sutcliffe, Pauline Taylor, Danvers Walker, Antony Webb [32pp, 10.25x10.75; introduction, cast lists, synopses, credits, biographies (all in Russian), 29 production photos, 11 cast photos etc.; very uncommon; slightly rumpled, mild vertical bend, else VG] £9

1960-61 OLD VIC SEASON continued

1960-61: TWELFTH NIGHT (Old Vic/18 April 1961)
Barbara Jefford, Joss Ackland, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Stephen Moore, Ann Bell, Alec McCowen, Derek Smith, dir:Colin Graham [12pp, 5x7.25 yellow; photos; minor marks, else VG] £2

1961 (Sun 14 May 1961): HEROINES OF SHAKESPEARE (Old Vic)
Barbara Jefford, dir:Michael Benthall [4pp; photo of Barbara Jefford] £2

1961-62 OLD VIC SEASON director: Michael Benthall
Paul Daneman, Maurice Denham, Robert Eddison, Maxine Audley, Robert Atkins, Eileen Atkins, Maurice Good, John Gregson, Barbara Jefford, Alastair Sim, Catherine Lacey, Michael Goodliffe, Derek Smith, Paul Eddington

1961: DR. FAUSTUS - Christopher Marlowe (Assembly Hall, Edinburgh)
Walter Hudd, Paul Daneman, Stephen Moore, Charles West, Peter Ellis, Michael Goodliffe, Robert Eddison, Emrys James, Robert Atkins (as Gluttony), Vernon Dobtcheff, Kerry Gardner, Terrence Hardiman, dir:Michael Benthall [12pp, 5x8; cast list, credits, The Old Vic in Edinburgh etc.; vertical bend, else VG] £4

1961: KING JOHN (Assembly Hall, Edinburgh)
Maurice Denham, Gilbert Wynne, Hugh Janes/Jonathan Collins, David Bird, Stephen Moore, Michael Turner, Brian Hawksley, Michael Goodliffe, Leader Hawkins, Paul Daneman, Roger Grainger, Victor Winding, Robert Eddison, Jerome Willis, Robert Atkins, Walter Hudd, William McAllister, Emrys James, Charles West, Brian Spink, Peter Ellis, Maurice Good, Rosalind Atkinson, Maxine Audley, Jane Downs, Sylvia Coleridge, Vernon Dobtcheff, Kerry Gardner, Terrence Hardiman, dir:Peter Potter [12pp, 5x8; cast list, credits, The Old Vic in Edinburgh etc.; vertical bend, else VG] £4

1961-62: DR. FAUSTUS - Christopher Marlowe (Old Vic/14 Sep 1961)
Walter Hudd, Paul Daneman, Stephen Moore, Charles West, Peter Ellis, Leader Hawkins, Brian Spink, Brian Hawksley, Ron Grainger, Leon Shepperdson, Michael Goodliffe, Robert Eddison, William McAllister, Sylvia Coleridge, David Bird, Emrys James, Robert Atkins (as Gluttony), Vernon Dobtcheff, Rosemarie Dunham, Maurice Good, Victor Winding, Dona Martyn, Michael Turner, Meredith Kinmont, Kerry Gardner, Terrence Hardiman, dir:Michael Benthall [12pp, 5x7.25 yellow; 10 cast photos; light vertical bend, else VG] £3

1961-62: KING JOHN (Old Vic/19 Sep 1961)
Maurice Denham, Gilbert Wynne, Stephen Moore, Michael Turner, Michael Goodliffe, Paul Daneman, Robert Eddison, Robert Atkins, Walter Hudd, Emrys James, Rosalind Atkinson, Maxine Audley, Jane Downs, Sylvia Coleridge, Vernon Dobtcheff, Kerry Gardner, Terrence Hardiman, dir:Peter Potter [12pp, 5x7.25 yellow; 10 cast photos] £4

1961-62: THE ORESTEIA - Aeschylus (Old Vic/7 Nov 1961)
Oxford Playhouse production: Joss Ackland, Catherine Lacey, Gary Watson, Ronald Lewis, Ruth Meyers, Graham Bell, Yvonne Mitchell, Margery Withers, Edward Hardwicke, Donald Burton, Margo Cunningham, Ruth Meyers, dir:Minos Volanakis [12pp, 5x7.25 yellow; 3 cast photos; date on cover (7-11-61), else VG] £3

1961-62: MOURNING BECOMES ELECTRA - Eugene O'Neill (Old Vic/21 Nov 1961)
William McAllister, Sylvia Coleridge, Leader Hawkins, Rosemarie Dunham, Barbara Jefford, Jane Downs, Jerome Willis, Sonia Dresdel, William Sylvester, Michael Goodliffe, Victor Winding, Carol Macready, Stephen Moore, Vernon Dobtcheff, dir:Val May [12pp, 5x7.25 yellow; 10 cast photos] £4

1961-62: MACBETH (Old Vic/19 Dec 1961)
Sylvia Coleridge, Rosemarie Dunham, Dona Martyn, William McAllister, Walter Hudd, Emrys James, Gilbert Wynne, David Bird, Leader Hawkins, Brian Spink, Maurice Denham (as Macbeth), Robert Eddison (as Banquo), Maxine Audley (as Lady Macbeth), Victor Winding, Antony Linford, Maurice Good, Michael Turner, David Tudor-Jones, Brian Hawksley, Roger Grainger, Peter Ellis, Nicholas Weare, Jean Robinson, Jonathan Collins, Vernon Dobtcheff, Leonard Cracknell, Kerry Gardner, Charles West, Peter Ellis, Terrence Hardiman, dir:Oliver Neville [12pp, 5x7.25 yellow; 7 cast photos] £4

1961-62: MACBETH (Old Vic/19 Dec 1961)
Sylvia Coleridge, Rosemarie Dunham, Margot Field, George Selway, Charles West, Emrys James, Leonard Cracknell, David Bird, Leader Hawkins, Brian Spink, Robert Eddison (as Macbeth), Joseph O'Conor (as Banquo), Patricia Jessel (as Lady Macbeth), Victor Winding, Antony Linford, Maurice Good, Michael Turner, David Tudor-Jones, Stephen Thorne, Roger Grainger, David Terence, Nicholas Weare, Mary Kerridge, Jonathan Collins, Terence Lodge, Kerry Gardner, Terrence Hardiman, Giles Havergal, dir:Oliver Neville [12pp, 5x7.25 yellow; 7 cast photos] £4

1962 (Sun 4 Feb): THE SHOEMAKER'S HOLIDAY - Thomas Dekker (Old Vic)
Michael Turner, Victor Winding, Peter Ellis, Carol Macready, Stephen Moore, Vernon Dobtcheff, Leader Hawkins, Maurice Good, Raymond Clarke, Gilbert Wynne, Kerry Gardner, Jane Downs, Jean Robinson, Sally Layng, Rosemarie Dunham, Barry Justice, Jerome Willis, Roger Grainger, Terrence Hardiman, Celestine Randall, dir:Paul Daneman [4pp, 5x7.25; cast list, credits, production note] £2

1961-62: RICHARD III (Old Vic/6 Mch 1962)
Paul Daneman, Robert Eddison, Michael Turner, Emrys James, Patricia Jessel, Eileen Atkins, Joseph O'Conor, Giles Havergal, dir:Colin George [12pp, 5x7.25 yellow; 7 cast photos] £4

1961-62: JULIUS CAESAR (Old Vic/17 Apr 1962)
Michael Turner, Emrys James, Victor Winding, Charles West, David Terence, Roger Grainger, Joseph O'Conor (as Julius Caesar), George Selway, Rosemarie Dunham, Maurice Good, Terence Lodge, John Gregson (as Brutus), Robert Eddison (as Cassius), Terrence Hardiman, Stephen Thorne, Antony Linford, David Bird, Graham Bell, Wilfred Harrison, Mary Kerridge (as Portia), Giles Havergal, Tony Handy, David Tudor-Jones, Roger Frith, Leonard Cracknell, Raymond Clarke, Leader Hawkins, Anthony Sweeney, Kerry Gardner, Gerry Jones, dir:Minos Volanakis, des:Nicholas Georgiadis, music:Elisabeth Lutyens [12pp, 5x7.25 yellow; photos; extensive scribbles - a reading copy only] £1

1962 (6 May): WORDS AND MUSIC - arranged by John Carroll (Old Vic)
Margaret Rutherford, John Neville, Osian Ellis [4pp, 5x7.25 yellow; running order etc.; VG] £3

1961-62: THE TEMPEST (Old Vic/29 May 1962)
Leader Hawkins, Joseph O'Conor, Brian Spink, Michael Turner, Eileen Atkins (as Miranda), Alastair Sim (as Prospero), Kerry Gardner, George Selway, Graham Bell, Stephen Thorne, Terrence Hardiman, Robert Eddison (as Trinculo), David Bird, Rosemary Dunham, Sylvia Coleridge, Patricia Jessel, Roger Frith, Charles West, Giles Havergal, dir:Oliver Neville [12pp, 5x7.25 yellow; cast photos] £4

1961-62: WAR AND PEACE - Leo Tolstoy, adapted by Alfred Neumann, Erwin Piscator, Guntram Prufer; English version by Robert David Macdonald (Old Vic/14 June 1962)
Bristol Old Vic Company: John Franklyn-Robbins, Derek Smith (as Pierre), Elizabeth Shepherd (as Natasha), Paul Eddington (as Andrei), Duncan Livingstone, Daphne Heard, Peter Bourne, Lucinda Curtis, Rhoda Lewis, Peter O'Shaughnessy, Peter Aumonier, Antony Tuckey, Patrick Hardy, David Burke, James Kerry, Milton Johns, Ewan Hooper, David Gooch, John Marston, Nicholas Critchley, dir:Val May [12pp, 5x7.25 yellow; 8 cast photos; w.newsclipping and ticket] £4

1962 (Sun 15 July): INCA - A new play by Joseph O'Conor (Old Vic)
Emrys James (as Atahualpa), George Selway, Gerry Jones, Carol Macready, Terence Lodge, Tony Handy, Leonard Cracknell, Terrence Hardiman, Brian Spink (as Pizarro), Graham Bell, David Terence, Anna Barry, Roger Grainger, Victor Winding, dir:Joseph O'Conor [4pp; 5x7.25; notes tipped in] £2

1962 (Feb-Apr): REPERTOIRE LEAFLET Feb-Apr 1962 (Old Vic)
Pekoe Ainley, Eileen Atkins, Maxine Audley, Anna Barry, David Bird, Raymond Clarke, Sylvia Coleridge, Jonathan Collins, Leonard Cracknell, Paul Daneman, Maurice Denham, Rosemarie Dunham, Robert Eddison, Margot Field, Roger Frith, Kerry Gardner, Maurice Good, Roger Grainger, Tony Handy, Terrence Hardiman, Giles Havergal, Leader Hawkins, Emrys James, Patricia Jessel, Mary Kerridge, Antony Linford, Terence Lodge, Carol Macready, Joseph O'Conor, George Selway, Brian Spink, David Tudor-Jones, Michael Turner, Nicholas Weare, Charles West, Victor Winding in RICHARD III, MACBETH, TWELFTH NIGHT [6pp; 3.5x4.5; performance schedule, company, prices; slight bend] £2

1962-63 OLD VIC SEASON (last) director: Michael Elliott
Lee Montague, Sheila Allen, Esmond Knight, Rosalind Knight, Errol John, Leo McKern, James Maxwell, Dilys Hamlett, David William, George Howe, Russell Hunter, Priscilla Morgan, Charles Gray, Adrienne Corri
ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (16)
1962-63: PEER GYNT - Henrik Ibsen (Old Vic/26 September 1962)
Leo McKern, Catherine Lacey, Trevor Peacock, Dilys Hamlett, Fulton Mackay, Adrienne Corri, Esmond Knight, Russell Hunter, Vernon Dobtcheff, James Maxwell, Jeffry Wickham, Eric Thompson, Wilfrid Lawson, Fiona Walker, Roger Clissold; dir:Michael Elliott [12pp, 7.25x9.75; cast list, credits, programme notes, 8 photos + 5 costume renderings; minor marks, else VG] £3
ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (17)
1962-63: THE ALCHEMIST - Ben Jonson (Old Vic/28 October 1962)
Leo McKern, Lee Montague, Priscilla Morgan, Fulton Mackay, Russell Hunter, Charles Gray, Eric Thompson, David William, Catherine Lacey, Jeffry Wickham, Irene Hamilton, Esmond Knight, Judi Bloom, Phillada Sewell, Fiona Walker, Roger Clissold, Patrick Kavanagh, Trevor Peacock, dir:Tyrone Guthrie [12pp, 7.25x9.75; modern-dress production; cast list, credits, programme notes, 15 photos; VG] £4

Sheila Allen (as Portia), Francis Attard, Judi Bloom (as Jessica / Bianca), Peter Brookes, Roger Clissold, Brian Coburn, Adrienne Corri (as Desdemona), June Dartnall, Vernon Dobtcheff, Eric Flynn, Ida Goldapple, Charles Gray (as Sir Epicure Mammon), Irene Hamilton, Camilla Hasse, Robert Hewitt, George Howe (as Old Gobbo / Gratiano), Ian Hughes, Russell Hunter (as Lancelot Gobbo / Abel Drugger), Errol John (as Prince of Morocco / Othello), Patrick Kavanagh, James Kerry, Esmond Knight (as Antonio / Lovewit), Rosalind Knight (as Nerissa), Catherine Lacey (as Emilia), Barbara Latham, Stella Lewis, Fletcher Lightfoot, Fulton Mackay, James Maxwell (as Bassanio), Brenda McGuinne, Leo McKern (as Subtle / Iago), Anna Middleton, Lee Montague (as Shylock / Face), Priscilla Morgan (as Doll Common), Anthony Morton, Endre Muller, Trevor Peacock, Phillada Sewell, Eric Thompson (as Lorenzo / Cassio), Fiona Walker, Michael Wells, Jeffry Wickham, David William (as Prince of Arragon); MERCHANT dir:Michael Elliott, ALCHEMIST dir:Tyrone Guthrie, OTHELLO dir:Caspar Wrede [each programme 12pp, 7.25x9.75, with cast lists, c.50 photographs in all, 11 costume renderings, credits, programme notes - and 18 contemporary newpaper clippings tipped in: reviews, photographs, comments etc.; fascinating!] £8

1962 (Sep-Nov): REPERTOIRE LEAFLET Sep-Nov 1962 (Old Vic)
Sheila Allen (as Portia), Adrienne Corri (as The Three Temptresses), Dilys Hamlett (as Solveig), George Howe, Esmond Knight (as Troll King / Morocco), Catherine Lacey (as Aase), Wilfred Lawson (as Button-moulder), Fulton Mackay, James Maxwell (as Bassanio), Leo McKern (as Peer Gynt), Lee Montague (as Shylock), Mogens Wieth, David William in PEER GYNT (dir:Michael Elliott), THE MERCHANT OF VENICE (dir:Michael Elliott) [6pp; 3.6x5.5; casting, performance schedule, future plans, prices] £3

1962-63 (Nov-Jan): REPERTOIRE LEAFLET Nov 1962-Jan 1963 (Old Vic)
Sheila Allen (as Portia), Francis Attard, Judi Bloom, Peter Brookes, Roger Clissold, Brian Coburn, Adrienne Corri (as The Three Temptresses), June Dartnall, Vernon Dobtcheff, Eric Flynn, Ida Goldapple, Charles Gray (as Sir Epicure Mammon), Irene Hamilton, Dilys Hamlett (as Solveig), Robert Hewitt, George Howe, Ian Hughes, Russell Hunter, Errol John (as Morocco), Patrick Kavanagh, James Kerry, Esmond Knight (as Troll King), Rosalind Knight, Catherine Lacey (as Aase), Barbara Latham, Wilfred Lawson (as Button-moulder), Stella Lewis, Fletcher Lightfoot, Fulton Mackay, James Maxwell (as Bassanio), Brenda McGuinne, Leo McKern (as Peer Gynt / Subtle), Anna Middleton, Lee Montague (as Shylock / Face), Priscilla Morgan, Anthony Morton, Endre Muller, Trevor Peacock, Phillada Sewell, Eric Thompson, Barry Usher, Fiona Walker, Michael Wells, Rosalind Whitman, Jeffry Wickham, David William in THE ALCHEMIST (dir:Tyrone Guthrie), PEER GYNT (dir:Michael Elliott), THE MERCHANT OF VENICE (dir:Michael Elliott) [6pp; 3.6x5.5; casting, performance schedule, prices] £3
ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (18)
1963 (Feb-Mch): REPERTOIRE LEAFLET Feb-Mch 1963 (Old Vic)
Sheila Allen (as Portia), Francis Attard, Judi Bloom, Peter Brookes, Roger Clissold, Brian Coburn, Adrienne Corri (as Desdemona), June Dartnall, Vernon Dobtcheff, Eric Flynn, Ida Goldapple, Charles Gray (as Sir Epicure Mammon), Irene Hamilton, Dilys Hamlett (as Solveig), Camilla Hasse, Robert Hewitt, George Howe, Ian Hughes, Russell Hunter, Errol John (as Othello), Patrick Kavanagh, James Kerry, Esmond Knight (as Antonio), Catherine Lacey (as Aase / Emilia), Wilfred Lawson (as Button-moulder), Stella Lewis, Fletcher Lightfoot, Fulton Mackay, James Maxwell (as Bassanio), Brenda McGuinne, Leo McKern (as Peer Gynt / Subtle / Iago), Anna Middleton, Lee Montague (as Shylock / Face), Priscilla Morgan, Anthony Morton, Endre Muller, Trevor Peacock, Phillada Sewell, Eric Thompson, Barry Usher, Fiona Walker, Michael Wells, Rosalind Whitman, Jeffry Wickham, David William in OTHELLO (dir:Caspar Wrede), THE ALCHEMIST (dir:Tyrone Guthrie), PEER GYNT (dir:Michael Elliott), THE MERCHANT OF VENICE (dir:Michael Elliott) [6pp; 3.6x5.5; casting, performance schedule, prices] £3
ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (19)
On 15 June 1963, the Old Vic Company gave its last performance (MEASURE
FOR MEASURE). The Old Vic then became the home of the newly-formed
National Theatre Company, under the direction of Laurence Olivier. The company
gave its opening performance on 22 Oct 1963: the chosen play was HAMLET, and
the cast included Peter O'Toole, Michael Redgrave, and Diana Wynyard.

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ROB WILTON THEATRICALIA - Old Vic Programmes 1956-1963 (2025)


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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.